Legal Notice
Terms and Conditions of Access to Cornerstone Robotics' Website
The following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”) apply to all users or visitors who access the website. Before accepting the services of this website, please carefully read all terms herein and choose to accept or reject them (minors should be accompanied by their legal guardian). If you do not agree with this Notice, please do not use or please proactively cancel the use of the services provided on this website. Your access to and use of this website through various means will be considered as the complete acceptance of all contents contained herein. This Notice and the right to modify, update and interpret it finally belong to Cornerstone Technology (Shenzhen) Limited. and / or its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Cornerstone Robotics”). The right to access this website is granted by Cornerstone Robotics in accordance with the following terms. For violations of those terms, Cornerstone Robotics reserves the right to take legal and fair remedies.

Website Contents
Although Cornerstone Robotics strives to provide accurate materials and information on the website, Cornerstone Robotics does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy and reliability of the materials and information on this website, including but not limited to text, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages or links, and explicitly disclaims responsibility for errors or omissions in such materials and information, and makes no express or implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of ownership, non-infringement of third-party rights, quality, and absence of computer viruses, with respect to such materials and information.

Cornerstone Robotics may modify the contents on this website at any time without any notice or prompt. For the latest information, please visit this website regularly. Products or services mentioned by Cornerstone Robotics on the website that are not owned by it are for reference only and such mention does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of these products or services. Cornerstone Robotics does not make any statements, guarantees or endorsements regarding any products, services or information provided on the website, and all products and services sold should be subject to the terms and conditions of the sales contract officially signed and issued by us.

Software Contents
The ownership of all source and binary forms of software, code examples, API, SDK, related documentation and other related materials (collectively, the "Software") on this website, including applicable intellectual property rights, belongs to Cornerstone Robotics or its licensors. Unless you have obtained a separate license under the relevant agreement with Cornerstone Robotics or its affiliates, the Terms of Use of this website should not grant any form of license for the Software and you should neither engage in reverse engineering, decompilation, disassembly, dissection, adaptation, implantation or other derivative operations on the Software, nor study the internal implementation of Cornerstone Robotics’ products, obtain product source code, steal intellectual property, or disclose the results of any software performance testing in any way.

Your Use of Website
You shall not use this website or any of its contents for any purposes illegal or prohibited by the Terms of Use, or use this website or any of its contents for any unlawful activities, or instigate any illegal activities or other activities that infringe upon the rights of Cornerstone Robotics or others. Meanwhile, without the consent of this website, you shall not infringe its information network dissemination right in any form, including but not limited to unauthorized copying or linking, illegal use or reproduction, or creating mirrors of its works in any way.

You shall not, in any unlawful manner, access this website or any part thereof, or accept any services provided through the website, or connect to any other systems or networks of Cornerstone Robotics servers without authorization.

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The privacy policy (specific web address) of Cornerstone Robotics applies to the use of this website. By using this website, you confirm and agree that Cornerstone Robotics may use such information in accordance with such privacy policy.

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When accessing this website, or using certain features or services provided by the website, you may be required to create an account, configure personal settings, or download Cornerstone Robotics software, and the website may provide additional terms of use for specific services and features. In case of any conflicts between the Terms of Use and the terms for specific features or services of the website, the latter shall govern your use of such features or services.

You are required to provide your true identity information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations (if any) and must not access this website in a false, disguised, or impersonating identity. Some of the functions or services provided on this website may require you to create an account or set up personal information, and the information you provide must be true and reliable. You are solely responsible for keeping your account information, including account password, secure and confidential. You agree to notify Cornerstone Robotics immediately of any unauthorized use of your account, password, configuration files or software, or any other breaches of security. If you fail to keep your account information secure and confidential, resulting in unauthorized use of your account by others, you may be held responsible for any losses suffered by Cornerstone Robotics as well as any other users or visitors to this website therefrom.

Cornerstone Robotics shall not be held liable for any direct and indirect damages or losses caused by a third party's illegal intrusion to this website to obtain relevant passwords, materials and contents.

Cornerstone Robotics may decide at its sole discretion whether to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to the website.

All materials or contents on this website are protected by Chinese copyright-related laws and regulations and international conventions, and all copyrights are owned by Cornerstone Robotics or its licensors, except for the materials or contents quoted from other parties as indicated. Without prior written permission from Cornerstone Robotics or other parties, no one may copy, modify, disseminate, distribute, reproduce, display, disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, connect or transmit by a hyperlink, load into other servers in a “mirror image”, store in an information retrieval system, or use in any other way any content on this website.

All trademarks and logos used and displayed on the Cornerstone Robotics website are the property of Cornerstone Robotics or its licensors. However, trademarks, logos, or trade names owned by other parties as indicated are excluded. Any content on the Cornerstone Robotics website shall not be construed as granting, by implication, non-objection or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the aforesaid trademarks or logos without the prior written permission of Cornerstone Robotics or any other party. No one may use the name of Cornerstone Robotics and the trademarks or logos of Cornerstone Robotics in any way without prior written permission.

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Due to the international or borderless nature of the Internet, the information provided through this website is also international and may include references to products or services not released in your country/region, thus not all products or services mentioned on this website are available in your country or region; please contact your local sales representative or dealer for the products or services available in your country or region.

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This website may contain links to third-party websites or URLs, and access to these links should be confirmed by yourself and at your own risk; Cornerstone Robotics does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, legality, completeness, adequacy and reliability of any information, data, opinions, pictures, statements or recommendations provided on these links. These links are provided only for the convenience of visitors and do not signify that Cornerstone Robotics agrees with and recommends such information on them; these links are not intended for promotional or advertising purposes, and this website assumes no responsibility for the availability of these websites or resources. Cornerstone Robotics shall not be held directly or indirectly liable for any damages or losses arising from your use of or reliance on any content, goods or services provided by or obtained through such websites or resources. If you believe that the content contained in such links or the content of the link provided by a search engine infringes upon your rights, Cornerstone Robotics hereby declares that it has nothing related to the above content and assumes no responsibility.


Cornerstone Robotics hereby disclaims any responsibility or liability for the unavailability and / or use error of the website and its contents, for the damages, whether direct or indirect, incidental, special, punitive or of any other nature, arising out of access to, browse and use of the website, and for any loss of profits, income, data or data usage. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Cornerstone Robotics in the sales contract, Cornerstone Robotics shall not bear any liability for the "materials" of this website to the extent permitted by applicable law, regardless of the cause of such liability or the tort theory on which such liability is based.

Except for the terms of services specified on this website, this website shall not be responsible or legally liable for any accident, negligence, defamation, intellectual property infringement or investment decision and loss resulted therefrom due to the use of this website.

The information related to Cornerstone Robotics’ products and / or related businesses and published on this website may contain certain forward-looking statements. These statements are full of risks and uncertainties in nature and only reflect Cornerstone Robotics’ current views on future trends and events, rather than any guarantees about future business development and performance.

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You agree that all matters related to your access to or use of this website shall be interpreted, understood and governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. You further agree that any disputes concerning this website and this Notice shall be under the jurisdiction of the court of the place where Cornerstone Robotics is located.